Saturday, November 1, 2008

'Twas A Sterling Day Athwart the World

The idea was (there's always an idea) we'd go to Ken's and I would wash the coach whilst the family roamed the land primeval. It is a bit of a drive, and seemed pointless to me to make the trek without the goal of accomplishing something. You know? But that's exactly what we managed to do. We drove there, had lunch at the little cafe, I showed Jenna Ken's old house and we walked the property (of course, she loved it) and then, after a short one-on-one with the Travco (made sure she was dry inside), we drove home. We won't go into how, later on, our son, Tristan, ate too much candy (he sneaked some) and threw up. Or how tired old me had to put shelving up at the school. What would be the point?

The following shots came from last weekend when I was working under the coach's belly.

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