Monday, December 15, 2008

Dead Birds are Good Omens, Right?

Our first snow fall! We canceled a doctor's appointment way over in Eugene, and had a snow day, or at least a snow morning. After a weekend of entertaining family, I was ready for a little Molly. So while Jenna took a nap with Chance, Tristan and I set to work ripping green shag and raising clouds of what I hope was not carcinogenic dust. (The original rubber carpet underlayment has become brittle and crumbles into a crystallized cloud of black sand.)


Let's start on the outside. I removed the hatch/vent to the reefer and discovered...more rot:

What's holding this bus together, anyway? It's just a wood frame, but boy is it wasted.

Meanwhile, back on the inside...

Unveiling the heart of the beast:

On the hunt for more rot. This is the passenger side:

And this (I don't know if you can distinguish the rust on the metal rib):

And for every foot of carpet that comes up, there are dozens of staples to be pulled. Thankfully, I have an indentured helper. (Actually, I'm thrilled to have a five year-old who actually wants to help!) At least, for a little while.

Now I can get under the dash:

Here's the driver's side (more rot and rust):

Apparently, the name Travco is not synonymous with Stainless:

And, finally, about that dead bird...

What if I hadn't decided to bring Molly into the 21st Century with a CD player? I would never have known.

Tomorrow we have a lass coming over to hang with the kiddos whilst I continue demolishing Molly, so stay tuned.

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