Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Ship to Shore

I removed the battery today (it belongs to Ken, the gent we got Molly from), and plugged in the inverter--voila! we're on shore power. Very cool. Mostly, though, I spent my three hours inside Molly cleaning. I was able to remove the shag from the doghouse in one piece, which means I now have a template. I scraped up/off an enormous amount of ancient carpet pad (had to empty the Fein shop vac, and that's saying something). Then on to the staples. Rusted, dangerous (first blood in Molly), I either pulled or pounded them into submission. Then more vacuuming. Then out with the Milwaukee hole shooter and an appropriate bit to remove those screws that rounded over and refused the urging of my screwdriver. Next up: the reefer. I removed the door and whatever screws that seemed to be holding it in place and--nothing. Wouldn't budge. I have to remove the copper line, of course, but that won't be the thing that's holding it in place. There's another, larger reefer Ken has assured me I can scavenge off an old Winnie, so this one goes in the growing pile out back of the shop. With all the panels and odds and ends and bits and pieces removed (and bagged), and the place vacuumed, it's beginning to feel "under control."

But I've managed to fool myself before.

Thanks and a tip of the hat to father-in-law Bob for the image above. Yes, it's cold in Molly, but Bob brought down a sweet little heater that does the trick very nicely. Why, no more than an hour after I turn it on my gloves are off. But not the coat. (No, that's not the coat I wear when I'm working.) He also brought down an odd-looking beast with no on/off switch that he swears is a dehumidifier. Haven't had a chance to use it yet. Thanks again, Bob.

Believe it or not, I'll have a couple hours tomorrow afternoon. Damn the refrigerator, full speed ahead!

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